Welcome to All Saints Church!
Worship Services
9:30 am Sundays
Meeting at LARC Ranch, 29890 Bouquet Canyon Road, Saugus, CA 91350
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All Saints exists to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus the crucified and risen Lord. We welcome all those who are seeking a closer relationship with Jesus. We are a church that attempts to worship God with everything that is available to us. When you worship with us you find that our Church is ancient and contemporary at the same time. You will see the priest in apparel that dates back to the beginning of Christianity and at the same time you will hear guitars glorifying the Lord. We pray for a perfect balance of the liturgical/sacramental, evangelical and charismatic. Most people who come and worship with us comment on how unique our style of worship is.
We kneel, bow, raise our hands, lift our voices, all to glorify the one living God. We are a church family that wants to share the love of Christ with the whole world. Come Celebrate Jesus with us.
Fr. Rich Maciejewski, Pastor
Our Communion
We are a member of the International Communion of Charismatic Episcopal Churches - www.iccec.org, www.cechome.com